Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Libyan Intel Operative Contacts US Embassy in Malta

On Aug. 10, 1988, Abdul Majid Giaka contacted the US embassy in Malta. Giaka was interviewed by a CIA agent to whom he told that he was a member of the Libyan Intelligence Service. A decade later, Giaka will appear at the Zeist trial and testify that two of his former colleagues had planted the bomb that destroyed Pan Am 103.Giaka initially described himself as a high-ranking member of the JSO (the Libyan Intelligence Service), having a good relationship with the head of the organization. In truth, Giaka was working in the civilian branch as a mechanic and car painter.Giaka told his CIA handler that he wanted to defect to America because he was disgusted by the terrorist activities of the JSO. The truth is slightly less noble. Read full story

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